Square Tuscany

My products

D001: umbrella stand with handles inspired by Deruta’s style. Height cm 50. Bone glazing. Colors used: orange, yellow, blue, green, red, brown. Price Euro 1500,00.

D002: dish ornamental represented Ezechiele’s vision by Raffaello Sanzio (1518). Diameter cm 42. Bone glazing. Colors used: orange, yellow, red, green, blue, brown. Price Euro 1700,00.

D003: dish ornamental Deruta’s style represented a lady in fifteenth-century’s dress ( inspired by Giovanna Tornabuoni’s portrait by Domenico Ghirlandaio). Diameter cm 42. Bone glazing. Colors used: orange, red, yellow, green, blue, brown. Price Euro 1200,00.

D004: mural dish ornamental or centre-pieces inspired by Deruta’s style and personalized with a central décor and big peacock’s tails. Diameter cm 30. Bone glazing. Colors used: orange, yellow, blue, green, red, brown. Price Euro 280,00.

D005: lamp with lampshade in Deruta’s style; decoration is shared in horizontal bars with peacock’s tails and geometrical patterns. Glazing bone color. Colors used: orange, yellow, red, green, blue, brown. Height base with lampshade cm 65; lamp’s base cm 36. Price Euro 1700,00.

D006: amphora in Deruta’s style, decorated with peacock’s tails. Bone glazing. Colors used: orange, yellow, red, green, brown. Height cm 35. Price Euro 1290,00.

G001: flowerpot decorated with little peacock’s tails on the bottom and blue threads. Bone glazing. Colors used: pale blue and blue. Height cm 33. Price Euro 120,00 each.

G002: jar with geometrical and floral decoration developed in little and big vertical bands. Bone glazing. Colors used: orange, yellow, blue, brown. Height cm 35. Price Euro 560,00.

G003: wall dish in geometrics’ style. In the middle big band with peacock’s tails and on the edges geometrical decorations in glazing engraved. Bone glazing. Colors used: orange, yellow, blue, brown. Different measures: diameter cm 20. Price Euro 95,00. Diameter cm 18. Price Euro 85,00. Diameter cm 15. Price Euro 75,00. Diameter cm 12. Price Euro 50,00.

OL001: decorative jar for ornamental use ( 5 litres ) decorated with olives. Bone glazing. Colors used: yellow, blue, red, green, brown. Price Euro 150,00.

OL002: ampoule ornamental with handle, decorated with olives. Height cm 15. Bone glazing. Colors used: yellow, blue, red, green, brown. Price Euro 36,00. Serving ornamental mural tray decorated with olives; length cm 30×22. Price Euro 55,00. ornamental centerpiece decorated with olives in different measures. Diameter cm 16. Price Euro 30,00. Diameter cm 18. Price Euro 34,00. Diameter cm 20.
Price Euro 42,00

OL003: onion box, garlic box, hot pepper box decorated with olives. Bone glazing. Colors used: yellow, blue, red, green, brown. Onion box, height cm 18. Price Euro 46,00. Garlic box, height cm 15. Price Euro 42,00. Hot pepper box, height cm11. Price Euro. 33,00.

OL004: jugs with ornamental handle decorated with olives. Bone glazing. Colors used: yellow, blue, red, green, brown. A litre, height cm 18. Price Euro 57,00. Half a litre, height cm 14. Price Euro 39,00.

FC001: wall ornamental oval dish represented Cortona’s landscape. Breadth cm 42×32. Bone glazing. Colors used: yellow, blue, red, green, brown. Price Euro 480,00.

M002: vase decorated with geometrical horizontal bars. Colors used: orange, yellow, brown. Height cm 30. Price Euro 160,00.

C001: lamp with lampshade. Decoration in inspired on Veneto in the eighteenth century. Height lamp and lampshade cm 70. Height lamp cm 40. Bone glazing. Colors used: orange, yellow, blue, light blue, brown. Price Euro 1900,00.

C002: wall dish ornamental represented hunting scene. Bone glazing. Colors used: orange, yellow, blue, light blue, brown. Diameter cm 40. Price Euro 800,00.

C003: tile decorated with angels; wooden frame. Bone glazing. Colors used: orange, yellow, light blue, blue brown. Height cm 39×39. Price Euro 1400,00.

F001: dish or centre-pieces ornamental with decoration inspired on “Della Robbia’s workshop”. In the centre rose window with geometrical decorations and big external bar with fruits (lemons, grapes, pomegranate, pine cones). Diameter cm 47. Bone glazing. Colors used: orange, yellow, blue, light blue, brown. Price Euro 1700,00.

F002: capped jar with decoration inspired on “Della Robbia’s workshop” earthenwares. Three handles separate jar in three vertical bars; in each is realised the same decoration with lemons, grapes, pomegranates. The lid and the bottom of the jar are painted with geometrical decorations. Height cm 40, diameter cm 24. Bone glazing. Colors used: orange, yellow, blue, light blue, brown. Price Euro 900,00.

F003:: lily flower and calla. Bone glazing. Colors used: yellow, green. Lily’s length cm 42. Price Euro 200,00. Calla’s length cm 29. Price Euro 145,00.

F004:wayward oval tile represented Caravaggio’s paint (Fruit basket). Bone glazing. Colors used: yellow, white, green. Length cm 40, height cm 25. Price Euro 1200,00.

E001: capped vase inspired on Etruscan decorations. The vase is decorated with horizontal bars. Colors used: black, brown.
Price Euro 900,00.

E002: dish or centre-pieces inspired on Etruscan decorations. In the centre of the dish, decoration has a crosswise structure with dark background. Colors used: brown, black.
Price Euro 700,00.

T001: Oval dis ornamental. Decoration is inspired on Tuscany’s landscape. Colors used: yellow, green, red, brown. Length cm 55, height cm 24. Price Euro 145,00.

T002: paint inspirated on Tuscany’s landscape, composed by four tiles with chestnut wood’s frame. Colors used: yellow, green, red, brown. Length cm 45, height cm 16. Price Euro 185,00.

T004: range of items ornamental with decoration inspired on Tuscany’s landscape. Colors used: yellow, green, red, brown. Cruet with dispenser. Height cm. 20. Price Euro 39,00. Bowls in different measures. Diameter cm. 16. Price Euro 29,00. Diameter cm 18. Price Euro 34,00. Diameter cm 20. Price Euro 42,00. Diameter cm 30. Price Euro 85,00. Diameter cm 25. Price Euro 65,00. Down on the left: cone glass, height cm 10. Price Euro 24,00. By side, napkin ring, length cm 15. Price Euro 23,00. Mozzarella drainer, diameter cm 15.
Price Euro 42,00.

CA003: open-work funs with smooth edge. Simple decoration. Different measures. Bone glazing. Colors used: blue, light blue and green. Size medium. Price Euro 97,00 each. Size big. Price Euro 140,00 each.